Random Walkers


For this assignmnet we were tasked with affecting the random walk of a point. I initially made a draft that created a new random walker every time the mouse was clicked, as well as changing the colors of all the walkers (I wanted to keep the colors static for each walker so they were like unique people, first walker is red, next walker added is blue, next walker is teal... and so on... I didn't quite get there as of this writing). That's the image above. Play with it here!

Next I implemented a probabilistic levy-walk using vectors that psuedo-followed the mouse around the screen. The colors also changed as my mouse moved. That's the image below. Play with it here!

I next want to create a swirly arcing point, like a hovering carrion bird, that avoids its friend if another is added but we'll see how far I can get with that!

Looks like I can get close, however, as I followed the Perlin noise tutorials and came up with one where the colors change as a result of moving the mouse around the screen. Play with it here!